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Scott Spence

CSRF with SvelteKit on

3 min read

Aight! I’ve spent the weekend working out the migration of this site from Vercel over to I’m still not 100% there but think I’ve covered most of it now, one thing that took up a lot of my time doing this is trying to work out why a from using a POST method would give a 403 on but would work fine on Vercel. This was due to the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection that SvelteKit has built in.

I’m presuming this is to do with the way differs to Vercel in how headers are used to identify the origin of the request.

This is essentially a follow on post from the Deploying SvelteKit Apps on post and the next set of hurdles you’ll come up against if you’re doing something similar.

One thing to note is that I got tired of all the node build errors I was getting on with this app, (mostly due to CJS/ESM compatibility) so, I switched to Bun, which side-stepped all of that.

So, I have an app (this site) building on now, got the deployment workflow working nicely, but, as mentioned trying to use any of the forms on the site would throw a 403 error.

After some searching and reading I found a solution, which I’ll document here for future reference.

So, list time, these are all on the SvelteKit GitHub repo:

Essentially, disable the CSRF protection in the svelte.config.js file:

csrf: {
  checkOrigin: false,

So, now it’s party time for CSRF attacks, right?

I’ve then added the suggested middleware to the src/hooks.server.ts file detailed in the GitHub issue:

import { themes } from '$lib/themes'
import { error, json, text, type Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit'
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks'

const csrf_config = {
  allowed_paths: ['/api/reactions', '/api/submit-email', '/contact'],

type ErrorResponse = {
  status: number
  body: {
    message: string

const csrf =
  (allowed_paths: string[]): Handle =>
  async ({ event, resolve }) => {
    const forbidden =
      ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'].includes(
      ) &&
      event.request.headers.get('origin') !== event.url.origin &&
      is_form_content_type(event.request) &&

    if (forbidden) {
      const csrf_error = error(
        `Cross-site ${event.request.method} form submissions are forbidden`,
      if (
        event.request.headers.get('accept') === 'application/json'
      ) {
        return json(csrf_error.body, { status: csrf_error.status })
      return text(csrf_error.body.message, {
        status: csrf_error.status,

    return resolve(event)

const is_content_type = (request: Request, ...types: string[]) => {
  const type =
    request.headers.get('content-type')?.split(';', 1)[0].trim() ?? ''
  return types.includes(type)

const is_form_content_type = (request: Request) => {
  return is_content_type(

const theme: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
  const theme = event.cookies.get('theme')

  if (!theme || !themes.includes(theme)) {
    return await resolve(event)

  return await resolve(event, {
    transformPageChunk: ({ html }) => {
      return html.replace('data-theme=""', `data-theme="${theme}"`)

export const handle = sequence(csrf(csrf_config.allowed_paths), theme)

So now any request made to the server that is a POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE request will be checked against the allowed_paths array and if the request is not from the same origin as the server then a 403 will be returned.

I’ve not had to do anything like this before, so, it’s been a good learning experience, and I’m glad I’ve got it working now.

There's a reactions leaderboard you can check out too.

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