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Scott Spence

Get document elements from a page

3 min read
Hey! Thanks for stopping by! Just a word of warning, this post is over 1 year old, . If there's technical information in here it's more than likely out of date.

Two situations over the last couple of days I’ve needed to do this and I’ve had to look up the code to do it. So I thought I’d write it down here so I can find it again.

This is being left here for me primarily as it’s something I need to do occasionally and I don’t want to have to look it up every time.

If you find it useful, then that’s a massive bonus for me 😊.

Situation 1, get a list by data-label

With Revue closing down at the end of the January I wanted to get my email list from them and it was taking forever for the export to turn up. I was in that mindspace at the time and didn’t want to switch context as I needed to put the data elsewhere. So I thought I’d just get the data from the page.

The data was in a massive table with each td having a data-label Email, it looked like this:

<td class="email" data-label="Email">
      [email protected]

So, I just need to get the data-label where it’s data-label='Email' from the page then I can work with that.

In the browser console I can do this:

let dataLabels = document.querySelectorAll("[data-label='Email']")

That will give me a node list of all the td elements with the data-label='Email' I can then use Array.prototype to convert it to an array and then use a .forEach to loop over it, logging out the element text (el.innerText)., el => {

Then it was a case of copypasta to where I needed it.

A bit manual, but it worked and it was a lot quicker that the export took to turn up 😂.

Situation 2, get a list by element type

I wanted to do some quick analysis on the performance of and I wanted to get the total number of all the posts on the page.

Each post is wrapped in an article element, so I just needed to get a list of all the article elements on the page.

let articles = document.querySelectorAll('article')

Then once I got the list, all I needed to do was get the length of the resulting NodeList:

// 146

If you’re interested in the performance of the page, then you can check it out over on Lighthouse Metrics.

Expanding on the above

An expansion on this is, say I have a long list of heading id’s on a page and I want to make a table of contents.

Say I only want the h2 headings, I filter on the element to see if it includes h2 in an if statement and then lg out the contents of the element id and the text.

let ids = document.querySelectorAll('[id]'), el => {
  if (el.localName.includes(`h2`)) {

That’s it, if you found it useful consider sharing it for others to benefit from too 😊.


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