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Scott Spence

SvelteKit Environment Variables with the SvelteKit $env Module

2 min read
Hey! Thanks for stopping by! Looks like this post was updated about 1 year ago. Just bear in mind it was originally posted over 1 year ago. If there's anything in here which doesn't make sense, please get in touch.

With SvelteKit in the past if you wanted to use a .env file secret that you didn’t want exposed on the client there was some additional config you needed to do.

Vite exposes all variables contained in the .env file prefixed with VITE_ to the client. If you wanted to use an environment variable with Vite you could expose it using:


This isn’t great if you have a secret key that you don’t want exposed on the client though.

The additional config was to use something like env-cmd to load your environment variables. I made a post about this in the past in SvelteKit .env secrets but this isn’t necessary now!

SvelteKit now has a $env module that you can use to access public and private .env file variables.

It was Geoff Rich (Svelte maintainer) that brought this to my attention with a tweet:

I had a play around with getting them set up on this site, you can see the Git diff on the PR here for more detail or read on.

There are two parts to the SvelteKit $env module for static and dynamic variables, this means that the variable is either sent from the server or a static variable taken from the .env file:

In practice this means that you are guided by SvelteKit on what environment variables you can use. So, trying to import a private variable from either $env/static/private or $env/dynamic/private will result in an error.

Accessing any data that needs a private variable will need to be done on the server.

Example, using a public variable in a .svelte file:

  import { env } from '$env/static/public'


In a .js file (endpoint):

import { env as private_env } from '$env/static/private'
import { env as public_env } from '$env/static/public'

export const GET = async () => {
  return {}

There’s an example repository over on GitHub that you can take a look at here:

Check out the documentation for each implementation:

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