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Scott Spence

VS Code Tips and Snippets

1 min read
Hey! Thanks for stopping by! Just a word of warning, this post is almost 4 years old, . If there's technical information in here it's more than likely out of date.

Use the same frontmatter block all the time for your blog posts?

I do, so I’ve created a VS Code snippet to pre-populate the block with some default tags and today’s date.

To create it I opened my global VS Code snippets file, Ctrl+Shift+p then search snippets and select “Preferences: Configure User Snippets” I have all my snippets in a global file.

"frontmatterBlock": {
  "prefix": "fmb",
  "body": [
    "title: $1",
    "tags: ['information', 'learning', 'guide']",
    "private: true",
  "description": "frontmatter block for frontmattering"

I’ve named the property frontmatterBlock with the prefix of “fmb” this is what I’ll type into VS Code to activate the VS Code intellisense then tab to complete the operation.

The $1 is where the cursor goes to when the snippet is added, you can place these where you want to tab to once the snippet has been added.

So, if I wanted to not have the default tags that are currently there I can replace them like this:

"frontmatterBlock": {
  "prefix": "fmb",
  "body": [
    "title: $1",
    "tags: ['$2', '$3', '$4']",
    "private: true",
  "description": "frontmatter block for frontmattering"

Now after tab completing the snippet I can tab through those sections in the snippet to add the details.

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